Inflation Part I

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This is a series on how inflationary financial policies can get you a job because inflation hurts some and helps others. But first, a backdrop dealing with conspiracies to set our stage.

I don’t like conspiracy theories. There’s a saying, "never assign to conspiracy what can be blamed on simple stupidity," and it mostly holds true. Conspiracy theories also tend to ignore the obvious.
For instance there’s the belief that the United States stole the South Western United States off Mexico in a conspiracy. Yet the notion of a conspiracy in this causes obvious facts to be ignored.

For one thing, the reason that President James K. Polk was able to conveniently add the attack by Mexican troops on U.S. troops in his war message he had been drafting was that he was responding to a Mexican Declaration of War against the United States. Of course the Mexican government wrote that it was a defensive Declaration of War. The problem with this is that it was an ultimatum, and an ultimatum is an act of war.

Also ignored today is that Mexico owed the United States a great deal of money. They owed everyone money, as a matter of fact, and Britain and France both had already invaded Mexico before this to collect the debts owed them. So the nature of this economic instability was dangerous to American national security as the U.S. didn't want European powers prowling around Her southern border. This was a just concern.

Now critics of America say that the U.S. had agreed to recognize Spanish rights to the Southwest a year before Mexican independence. The problem for Mexico with this is that treaties are not transferable. Mexican Independence made the treaty doing this null and void. Too, the U.S. had just claims to the Southwest in which Mexico was now in iffy possession.

So why this blog opening ? Because every other conspiracy theory outside this subject tends to be the same way, with facts untrue repeated and truth ignored. And conspiracies abound about the Fed which plays too important a role to be blanketed in untrue conspiracy accusations which can cloud our look at inflation as both curse and benefit. (More next blog.)

Other conspiracies make every crisis an engineered plot by wicked globalists. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t powerful people who want a global government or global governance as they prefer to call it because ordinary folks, when focus groups were conducted, were found by globalists to be scared stiff and wary if the term global government was used. It just means that to put these globalist in dark hoods circled around a pit filled with shadows, smoke and fire offends commonsense and blends into and distorts what's true.

Which is why hyper-inflation, for example, as predicted in the U.S., never happens; predictions made because of poor knowledge as to why hyper-inflation happens by people who often think conspiracy is hidden behind true facts. Now this doesn't mean governments don't speak double speak or engage in rotten politics. But it's also why the fact that Greek defaults having happened 2 times in the last 90 years before this one have been ignored by governments and the corporate media complex.

Because it sells more books to blame dark hooded villains; and too it gives a different kind of cloak to politicians by claiming a unique calamity instead of holding responsible Greece, a poor country living rich, again. So, if all the conspiracies theories were ignored and the truth told, people would realize that things like 3 Greek bailouts or defaults in 90 years have happened repeatedly because of what was then the current double speak and rotten politics of the day. And that hits too close to what politicians and their media allies fear most; being blamed for simple stupidity.

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By Jeffrey Ruzicka

Jeffrey Ruzicka is a retired executive of a small company that specializes in industrial water treatment. He lives happily with his wife in Western Pennsylvania and is a contributing writer to Nexxt


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