It's Winter, Construction is Still Happening and Here's How to Look

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Since live in the Pittsburgh area, that makes the cartoon all the more appropriate for this blog. As Mark Twain's attributed with saying directly but actually only inferred "Everything happens in Pittsburgh a year later." The season’s lack of snow and generally mild weather here has been a boon to the construction industry this year.

I was driving down the street near my home about a week ago and the business a few houses from me was putting on a new roof. A crane was putting the final trusses on. Meanwhile, a couple miles away, an excavator and a backhoe were being put to good use to widen the road. Construction workers in the leveled out trenches by the road were busy taking measurements.

At the gas station I use, two men worked filling in a pothole in the parking lot. There were also people inside the bank that I frequent doing interior work in a major renovation. Meanwhile, work has finally finished at the grocery store where I shop and the plastic dust barriers that used to hang between the various sections of food or household goods at night are finally down.

As a matter of fact, my wife and I are discussing, in this mild winter (so far), about putting the new windows we want in our home early. If it’s warm enough to paint a house, which I saw done two weeks ago, why not. You have to assume on a few good days, of course. Fortunately too, vinyl windows properly stored won’t break either if the weather does change to blizzards.

Of course, there are businesses that don’t worry about blizzards. I know of a company that when the ground freezes, the owner moves his tarp and pipe layers to the Carolinas.

Now I didn't bring up these little stories because I think that I'm Mark Twain. I do so to demonstrate that there are jobs to be had for those with the right skills though you have to look.
Read internet job boards, the want ads and search the web using meaningful words or full phrases in search engines. Start with a specific phrase that fits your specialty and if that doesn't work, widen the search by adding a specific field or industry to what you have typed in with a plus between the words, no spaces before or after the pluses.

Think how a prospective employer might word an employment ad needing to be filled. Also do searches on different industries mentioning your skills to see if they need your skills. Don't limit your search by  using only one search engine.

Also, try using words or phrases that are unique. If you only use a phrase like carpenter wanted, you will get literally millions of sites you cannot possibly search and many sites that are either useless to you or underrate you. The jobs you see are going to be applied for by other carpenters too. So, for example, use a phrase like “master carpenter+15 years experience+skilled craftsman. Also if you don't intend to move, use an appropriate geographical location.

Even if it just brings you to a business which is advertising for its own work, it may have a need you fill. Be original and creative, think in the box or out of it. The people hiring probably aren't going to use quotes from Shakespeare in their ads; for instance, but I typed in Shakespeare+construction, and there's a Shakespeare home building company.

Job internet sites like ours are a good bet too because you can post your resume for free. Also, our sites have many articles and blogs that can help you make good career decisions for those thinking of entering the field of construction or needing other career advice. Too, jobs are scattered across the country and it gives a central clearing house that brings job seeker and employer together.

I love to read your comments. If you have one, please post it.

If you are looking for a job, join our sites, it's free. Just fill out an easy,on-line membership. You can also post a resume and cover letter and use our jobs boards at no cost to you. You'll even get e-mail job alerts once you're a member.

By Jeffrey Ruzicka

Jeffrey Ruzicka is a retired executive of a small company that specializes in
industrial water treatment. He lives happily with his wife in Western Pennsylvania and is a contributing writer to Nexxt


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