How to Be Memorable as a Sales Professional

Joe Weinlick
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A memorable sales process is important to your overall career as a successful salesperson. Creating notable presentations helps you stand out from the crowd and make a real connection with your prospective buyers for both present and future sales. Follow these tips to grow as a memorable sales professional who helps customers with their unique needs and forms bonds for a long-term relationship.

Strive for a Great Impression

Start thinking about your impression before you get to the sales site. Choose your clothes and accessories to match the tone of the meeting. If appropriate, add a pop of color or a unique accessory to your outfit to make it memorable. If you are fashion-challenged, ask a friend with a flair for style to help. A successful salesperson stands out without appearing foolish or strange. Make sure your clothing is comfortable. A relaxed demeanor is important for creating a good impression.

While waiting in the reception area before your meeting, take inventory of your mood and emotions. Be ready to exude confidence and congeniality when you walk through the door. The right frame of mind automatically leads to the right posture and facial expressions for a positive first impression. Keep your focus on the other person, and take your cues from him. Matching the prospective buyer's tone, energy and level of formality assures a memorable sales pitch for the right reasons.

Communicate Better by Listening

Good communication skills are among the most important traits for a sales professional. Quality communication requires attentive listening, which gives you valuable information about your customer. A memorable sales pitch targets your customer's needs. Focus on those things that move your client's heart to keep him interested.

For best results, research your clients before you meet. Look for past behaviors that give clues to their passions, values and business style. Where do they donate money? Are they involved in politics? Check out articles about them and speeches they've made to glean information to help you form better bonds. Use your new knowledge to personalize your presentation for the particular buyer. At the same time, avoid fabricating interests to force bonds or using information to manipulate the client into making a purchase. A savvy buyer is likely to shut down and send you packing if your communication comes across as less than honest.

Follow up Memorably

A memorable sales process ends with an appropriate follow-up. Every presentation, regardless of its outcome, requires a personal thank you note. Keep the tone positive even after a failed sales attempt. Focus on the opportunity to cement any connection that you made with the potential client. A quality note card or upscale stationery is a more memorable sales follow-up than an email. Avoid including another sales pitch, company pamphlets or even a business card. The purpose of the note is to extend your connections and keep your personal presence firmly in the buyer's mind.

Increase your long-term sales success by making a great impression, forming personal connections and following up memorably after meetings. Develop memorable sales presentations to keep your products in the customer's mind. Even if you don't make the sale today, your positive demeanor and connection lingers for future sales and a lasting relationship.

(Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at


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  • Kelli Watson
    Kelli Watson

    Eric, I truly agree, and have enjoyed many years of success fine tuning these crucial fundamental steps of the Sales Process. Thank for reiterating these steps is a concise, clearly expressed article. I find that many of my past and present co-workers do not make that effort, the personal connection, and the sincere investment it takes to know who you're selling to thus achieving reciprocal benefit. Kudos to you

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